As the fall season unfolds, the Solomon School District is thrilled to announce the upcoming induction ceremony for the 2024 Gorilla Hall of Fame, set to take place during the fir...
USD 393 is proud to announce the newest inductees to the prestigious Gorilla Hall of Fame. This honor is bestowed upon individuals and groups who have made significant contributio...
You start the day with a sense of anticipation, you get to the school as early as possible, because you don’t yet know the plans for the day. Upon arrival, you’re greeted by...
On the morning of Saturday, May 11, friends, family, and community members gathered to celebrate the graduating Class of 2024. The class was comprised of Taytum Anderson*+-^♦...
In 2021, USD 393 taxpayers passed an $8.82 million bond. During that time, the school received shy of a million dollars in grants for an on-site daycare, also known as the Ea...
After 25 years of working in education, which includes a dedicated seven years spent teaching at Solomon High School, Katy Vinson is retiring. Throughout her time at Solomon,...
We have some fantastic opportunities to learn more about cyber safety and its impact on our children. I am attaching a study that was done across the USA involving girls. The st...
Preparing Tomorrow's Leaders: Market Value Assets In today’s rapidly evolving world, the journey from high school to higher education or the professional realm demands more than...
After four months of the Solomon mentoring program being in full swing, the initial nervousness and apprehension from students has subsided. The relationships between the Bigs and...
On Wednesday, February 28, for the first time in school history, two high school students competed at the State Bowling Tournament in Wichita. Montana “Mac” Collins, sr., scored a...
At the end of February, the Solomon School Library underwent exciting changes thanks to Librarian Sarah Riordan, who was recently awarded a grant from the Community Foundation of ...
The Solomon Music Department and the Solomon Gorilla Foundation (SGF) are gearing up once again for our Spring Concert and School Bingo Family Fun Night. This event will be an eve...
Big Red Ts is now taking orders for their 2024 Track & Field design. All orders are due Monday, March 18th. Return order forms & money to the correct coach, Smith or Coup (NO...
Big Red Ts invested $100 in each of the students enrolled in the entrepreneurial course for a project that prompted students to create, advertise, and sell a product, and try to m...
In the heart of our community, a group of exceptional individuals is dedicated to shaping the future of education within our district. As Board of Education Appreciation Month is ...
In early December, students from seventh grade social studies welcomed a guest speaker, the recently elected Mayor of Solomon, Brandy Gray, for an engaging discussion to gain insi...
Solomon, for the second consecutive year, is taking part in a global traveling mural with assistance from school librarian Sarah Riordan. The initiative was first brought to Riord...
The holiday season is upon us, and in the Solomon community, hearts are coming together to make it brighter for families in need. To aid Operation Gorilla Family, Stuff the Bus ha...
New Christmas traditions are happening at Solomon schools, thanks to a group of high school students. Members of a student organization, Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA),...
This month, Solomon implemented a student mentoring program that partners up young students in kindergarten through sixth grade with “buddies,” in seventh to twelfth grade. The bu...