Jessica Grant

Zoe Smith and Emma Farmer interviewed Jessica Grant about her life inside and outside of school. 

Mrs. Grant

What subject do you teach?

English 10, English 12, 21st Journalism, Current Events, and College Composition. 

What do you do outside of school?

I love traveling, concerts, drinking copious amounts of coffee,  learning new things, meeting new people, learning about medical history, exploring, and spending time with my kid.

What made you want to teach?

I was preparing for law school and was working as a para to prepare for the LSAT. When I got accepted I panic and realized I was, at that time in my life, meant to be a teacher. 

What do you enjoy most about teaching at Solomon?

I get to watch kids grow up and you really get to know the kids here. I have learned about as much from the kids here as they have learned from me.